RL infoz:
Name: My name is Even
Age: My age is 16.
Where do you live: I live in Levanger, Norway at the moment.
Playtime: I play pretty much from the time I get home from school or work, which is after 16.00 or 19.00, since I work two days a week.
Char Infoz:
Name: Kenji
Class: Warrior
/Played = 51 days, where 21 of them are at lvl 70. I got to lvl 60 a couple months before TBC was released, so I did alot of PvE at that time. I played on Ravencrest with different guilds, same leadership mostly. I did PvE mostly as dps in raids, tho I played rogue aswell, so I am quite used to dpsing
At the moment, I haven't bothered skilling up my professions, I have plans to do so, when I have time to, if I am gonna be a dps warrior, I will get my engineering up to get the goggles.
Armory Link:
I am not in a guild, tho it says so on armory. And my current spec is protection, so the stats might be bad
General Stuffz
PvE experience: C, AQ20, ZQ and some BWL, Kara, gruuls, killed mag with a druid and SSC some tries on lurker++
Old School Content; MC, AQ20, ZQ and some BWL.
TBC Content;Kara, gruuls, killed mag with a druid and SSC some tries on lurker++
Reference person in the guild?: I know Stafrallah
History of your guilds: I had many different guilds, as mentioned they had the same leadership, this was on 60. I might be able to get some referances from those people. On lvl 70 @ Talnivarr: I'll just mention the serious ones I can remember, Andonisus (I liked it alot, but I left because I were having a break with the wow-playing), Sparta(disbanded), rise(left because of inactive members and raids that kept being cancelled.).
These are the ones I can remember
Why do you want to join us: Well since I started playing Wow, 3 years ago, I've always fancied PvE more than PvP, tho pvp also is great fun. So I want to join guild who takes the raiding quite serious, but also has a bit of humour as well. I'm not really sure how your progress are, but Stafrallah told me it was good
Anything you wanne add?: Been playing wow since a couple months after release date, so I know everything about the game, and pretty much everything about every class. I understand tactics fast, and I know how to dps (and not to get aggro :p).